Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Mexicans on a hot asphalt roof

Our new roof is nearing completion. A crew of three insanely hard-working Mexicans has spent two dangerously hot (heat index of 101-106) days ripping off the old shingles and nailing down new ones. They started about 11 a.m. yesterday and worked until about 9 p.m., taking advantage of what passed for the "cool" of the evening.
They were back on the roof at 7 a.m. today.
Now at 5:45 p.m., I can still hear them hammering.
They're working over the kitchen, which is freaking Pete and Ruthie out. Pete won't go out onto the back deck because there is a lot of scary-looking shingles and the hammering has him hunkered down in his kennel looking very intimidated.
Ruthie responds by barking hysterically, although she readily went out to the back yard to whiz.
I got a call from a prospective wedding photography client today - said she saw our work in a recent bridal tabloid insert in Maria's paper that we provided all of the photos for. So we're meeting her for lunch tomorrow to show her more of our work and try to clinch the deal. Her wedding is July 14, 2007, which is my 62nd birthday and the day I can start drawing Social Security.
I got my stepdaughter's cell phone number changed today, thwarting the efforts of her dirtbag ex-noyfriend to reel her in again.
Now, if she'll only forget to give the new number to her current dirtbag boyfriend...

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