Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Pete repeat

Pete is home with his family again after 43 hours of roaming.
We searched Sunday night and much of yesterday without success. I mentioned Pete's disappearance in an e-mail to my friend Skip and he and his wife Gloria insisted on driving up this morning to spend their Fourth of July looking for the pup.
We equipped ourselves with two-way radios and binoculars and set out in separate cars. Maria and I patrolled the south half of town and Skip and Gloria took the north half.
A little after 11 a.m., I decided to stop by the house to use the bathroom. Before we could get out of the door, Maria's mother called and while they were talking, I glanced at our caller ID box to see if anyone else had called.
I noticed a call logged in at 11:02 a.m. from someone here in town who I don't know and suspected it might be about Pete. As soon as the line was free, I checked voicemail and found a message from a guy who lives five blocks north of us saying our dog Pete was on his porch.
I called him, verified Pete was still there and we sped to the guy's home where we found a very excited, burr-encrusted Pete.
Maria shot this photo when I picked Pete up to carry him to our car.
Pete's only ID is a rabies vaccination tag from the local vet and a tag from Frontline flea treatment that has a serial number keyed to www.getmehome.com
The guy said his wife got the information from Pete's tag and they must have looked him up online because the guy called him Pete before I even mentioned the dog's name.
What a great program. What great neighbors.
Maria is baking a batch of fudge brownies to take to the couple who made our day.
And we took Skip and Gloria to lunch to thank them for their efforts.

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