Monday, July 24, 2006

Home Again, Home Again

Ready to ride after breakfast at the Erie, Pa., Cracker Barrel.
I dropped my sidestand in my garage at 4:32 p.m.
It was the best-attended BMW MOA rally I've been to in 20 years - more than 9,000 riders there - which makes sense given the population density of the East Coast.
We packed wet tents and left in cold rain and fog Sunday morning, breaking into sunshine around the Ticonderoga bridge to New York and spending last night in Erie, Pa.
Again, my friends wanted to take backroads across northern Ohio and Indiana, so we parted company at Cleveland and I burned up the superslab running for home. I find I enjoy riding solo more than in a group - I can set the electronic cruise control and enjoy the scenery instead of having to keep my eyes on the bikes ahead of me.
Now I have to drag that wet tent out and set it up to dry so as to avoid losing it to mold or mildew.
The bike ran perfectly, but I have developed an intermittent fault in the electrical circuit powering my MotoLites driving lights. Even though the switch was in the "on" position throughout, both lights were dark when we left the rally. Then they both came on, then one, then the other. For most of the ride home, the left light was on but the right one was dark.
Oddly enough, Dave Bernhardt, who rode with me from Burlington to Cleveland, was having a similar malfunction with his MotoLites.

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