Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Knock, Knock, Knocking on Heaven's Door

My son Steve called today to update me on the condition of my former brother-in-law Bob. (See earlier post for details.)
Bob's wife Kathy says Bob's body is showing some improvement, although he is still considered brain-dead. Kathy has decided not to have him moved to an extended care facility and is considering having him removed from life support if and when the docs think his body has a chance of sustaining itself.
So it's a wait-and-see situation with undertones of Terri Schaivo and lots of misery for everyone.
About an hour later, I got a call from former Indianapolis News colleague Gerry LaFollette telling me that another old Newsie, Hugh Rutledge, is near death.
Hugh was a city government reporter who was already established when I joined The News staff in 1969. He always wore a bow tie and was the only guy in the newsroom who could juggle.
He and Art Harris used to square off against me and David Mannweiler for after-lunch games of Eight Ball at the old Indianapolis Press Club. Mannweiler and I defeated them for the club championship in 1976. Oooops. That's 30 years ago.
I remember Hugh being rather pleased with a story he'd beaten the competition to. I remarked, "That'll look good in your resume."
"What do I need a resume for?" he said with a smile. "I've already wasted my life at The News."
On another occasion, he and I were walking back to the office from a Press Club lunch along with WRTV newscaster Howard Caldwell. We were strolling around the northwest arc of Monument Circle and somehow the conversation turned to the price of men's shoes.
"I paid $70 for these shoes new," complained Caldwell.
"New?" Hugh exclaimed. "You buy used shoes?"
I often recall that conversation when I'm discussing the difference between broadcast journalists and print journalists when it comes to a mastery of the language.
Anyway, Hugh has advanced Parkinson's Disease and is being cared for by his daughter in her home, which has been turned into a hospice. Gerry said they've stopped feeding him and death is expected soon.

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