Wednesday, June 28, 2006

I feel like I'm starting to get back up to speed in terms of comfort on my/our motorcycles.
It always takes a few hundred miles every spring to blow out the cobwebs and get back to the point where I'm riding relaxed, but alert.
I'm still a bit tense riding with a passenger. Maria and I rode up to Lafayette for dinner at a barbecue place and I had a heightened awarness of the way a passenger affects handling and performance and was hyper-alert everytime I came to a stop. I supposed that beats the hell out of overconfidence and falling down.
I rode Maria's K75S up to Lafayette this afternoon. The official excuse for the ride was to pick up dog treats at PetSmart for Ruthie and Pete, but we all know it was just to go for a ride.
I left raingear at home and, naturally, I ran into a rainshower at the south edge of Lafayette.
Fortunately, it wasn't a deluge and I rode through it in about 2 minutes without getting soaked. But it was a useful reminder that no summer ride in Indiana is guaranteed to be 100% dry.
I'm riding Maria's bike whenever possible because it doesn't get much use and because I want to save the tires on my K1200GT for long-haul trips.
I need to call Skip later today to arrange a planning session for our upcoming ride to the Smokies.
I also need to fire up the lawnmower and harvest the lawn.
I find the job goes a whole lot easier if I use my in-ear monitors (earplugs with speakers) and my Sony MiniDisc player. They pretty much eliminate the annoying noise from the mower and make it feel a bit less like work. Still, I remember longingly the days when I was an apartment - and later a condo - dweller with no yard work to do. That was always a big point of contention with my first wife. She seemed to have an unnatural fascination with yard work, particularly for me doing it, and I detested it.

Sent from my Treo

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