Thursday, June 01, 2006

Fashion Pointer #27

I'm hardly in a position to criticize anyone who is overweight.
But there are some things that just shouldn't be. Like going out in public wearing jeans and a shirt that are two or three sizes too small.
Walking around barefoot on city streets is also unacceptable.
Maria shot this photo on the fly from the window of our Subaru Forester while stopped at an intersection in a medium-sized Indiana city.


  1. Oh my! How sad. Why didnt boy-o there tell her something. *sigh* do you know that I noticed this year particularly that people ARE wearing their clothes a size too small, its the style I think. Its bizarre. Too tight and too short and too low tops and too tight and too lowrise pants. It all looks like hand me downs.

  2. I don't think I've ever seen breasts in the back before.
