Thursday, June 22, 2006

$2.48.9/gallon for mid-grade (89 octane) gas!!!

An Admiral station about 2 blocks from Maria's newspaper office consistently has some of the lowest gas prices in the state.
And, they usually price the mid-grade gas the same as regular. When I rode past around midday, the rock-bottom price was $2.49.9 for regular and mid-grade.
When I returned this afternoon, they'd dropped the price another cent.
At the same time, the stations out by I-74 were selling regular for $2.73.9/gallon.
Naturally, I seized the moment and filled the tank of Maria's BMW K75S motorcycle.
I made two trips to town today, having to abort the first mission because an powerful storm system swept in from Illinois much faster than I had expected.
When we emerged from the courthouse where Maria had photographed a wedding ceremony, my plan was to go to lunch with her.
But an ominously black sky to the northwest made me reconsider and bolt for home.
As I rode out of town, the wind whipped up to 30 mph or more and the temperature suddenly plummeted 21 degrees from 88 to 67.
The road home is a twisty one, but I flogged the K75S unmercifully, urged on by vivid lightning strikes a mile or so to my left.
I managed to outrun the weather and reached our garage 13 minutes before the storm hit - just in time to offer reassurance to the dogs.
Pete, you may recall, went missing when left outside during a thunderstorm a few weeks ago and freaks out when heavy weather rolls through.
He spent the time during today's storm curled up in a ball at my feet under the kitchen table while I had lunch and used the laptop wifi connection to check the weather radar.

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