Friday, March 31, 2006


I had the unpleasant experience of witnessing a motor scooter crash this afternoon.
I was sitting at an intersection when the van in front of me whipped a left turn across the path of an oncoming scooter.
The rider jammed on his brakes as the van darted out of the way, but locked his front brake and did a spectacular endo.
I'd seen the guy riding his blue Yamaha scooter around town for several months and noticed that he never fastened the chinstrap on his white openface helmet.
So I guess I shouldn't have been surprised when I saw the helmet fly off just before his head hit the pavement.
As he rolled around on the pavement in pain, I grabbed my cell phone and dialed 911 to report the crash.
Fortunately, I had my camera bag in the trunk and was able to get a few shots as the EMTs bandaged his head, put him on a backboard and then a gurney and hauled him off to the hospital.
The guy clearly had the right-of-way, but was going way too fast into the intersection and did a classic job of "grab and stab" on his front brake.
And, of course, an unfastened helmet is about the same as no helmet at all.

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Turns out the guy was astonishingly lucky. He was treated at the local hospital and was released two hours later.

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