Sunday, February 12, 2006

Sunday observations

"Have a nice day!" said the cashier at Wendy's, fixing me with a maniacal grin.
According to her nametag, her name was "Autum," and I found myself wondering what happened to the "n."
Is that really her name? Did her parents really not know how to spell the third season or were they trying to be cute or clever? Or did her store manager make the mistake when he wrote her name down on the nametag order? Or was the nametag order placed verbally and the person stamping out the tags the weak link?
All I know is that sitting here three days later, drinking a vente cafe mocha at Barnes & Noble, I'm still wondering about it.
We're in Lafayette, IN where Maria is doing the weekly grocery shopping at Meijer and I'm taking a moment to blog after running an errand to Best Buy to pick up some printable blank CDs for the Indianapolis BMW Club's annual slideshow.
It's a little project I've taken on for the last few years - collecting motorcycle and club-related photos to add to a rapidly growing gallery of several thousand images that comprise a computer slideshow.
We play it on a laptop connected with a digital projector as background entertainment for the club's annual Valentine's Day weekend awards banquet.. I make extra copies and sell them to club members for $10 a pop to cover production expense. I also include an archive of all of the club's monthly newsletters from the time I took over in December, 1993 until now, so the new folks can get up to speed on who's who and a bit of the club's history.
Most years, I'm the biggest contributor of images, but 2005 was a low-mileage year for me and I hardly took any photos. I didn't even take a camera along when I rode out to Colorado for the club's annual Colorado Chalet Week. That was mainly because I didn't want to expose one of our Nikon D100 digital cameras to the dust and vibration of a motorcycle adventure and I didn't feel like dragging around my massive Nikon F5 film camera. Besides, I've been digital so long that the idea of buying film, then paying to have it processed and then having to scan it to digital is abhorrent to me. And after carrying around a camera that can shoot more than 300 high-res images without reloading makes a 36-exposure roll of film seem downright primitive. Which it is.
Why it's even dumber than "Autum."

Sent from my Treo

1 comment:

  1. My guess is that it was a mistake in the name tag order. My husband once had to walk around with the name "Erica" stitched to his shirts for a whole two weeks. 15 years later he's still bitter about it.

    And my name? Let's just say I'm grateful that I've never had a job that required a name tag. I still get the occasional telemarketer asking for me by my maiden name and screwing THAT up.

    No, there's no Ms. "GoatHair" here!
