Thursday, February 02, 2006

Space cowboy

Poking around in the attic this afternoon, I discovered an album containing long-forgotten photos of my childhood.
I was particularly struck by this one. I'm wearing some kind of Buck Rogers space hat, complete with goggles, and using my tricycle to pull my dog, Spot, in a wagon.
This would be around 1951 or so and the setting is the alley behind our house.
I was very space-minded and couldn't get enough science fiction stuff. This was at a time when Tom Corbett - Space Cadet and Space Patrol were on TV and I never missed an episode.


  1. What a sweet photo! Wonder what the dog was thinking?

  2. Thanks, Otter.
    Spot was a patient guy, but he was probably trying to figure out a way to jump ship.
    My mother was viewfinder-challenged and this has to be the best photo of me she ever shot. Most of her stuff was off-center and too far away, but this one is perfectly composed.

  3. Hello Lisa again! Today I found your blog by random chance....or was it?
    Maybe your mom just saved all the talent to give to you!
    My son is 14 but not your typical 2006 teenager. He is a writer, collects coins and has published a few magazine articles. He even writes for the little local paper here. He keeps so many blogs it makes my head spin. He has one on investments, politics, a few on coins. (elite_investor) ???
    His first blogs are still hooked to my profile. If you're bored or want to help a young writer along check them out. Thanks!

  4. This is a near perfect capture of a kid at play.

    Absolutely love it.
