Tuesday, January 31, 2006

TreoAlarm: Killer app

This is TreoAlarm, a truly killer application and something I've been looking for since I got my Treo 600 last fall.
It wakes you up and gives you the current weather all in one shot.
One of the main reasons I bought a smartphone was because I wanted as many of the features of a notebook computer as possible in a small package that I could carry with me on motorcycle trips.
The Treo 600 lets me journal, check e-mail and blog from the road, but until now I never had a reliable alarm and it was a bit of a hassle to check the weather - something a touring motorcyclist routinely wants to know about as soon as he wakes up every morning. Now I have an application that will get me on the road on time and brief me instantly on the current weather conditions and the forecast for what's waiting out in front of me.
If you're a Treo user, check it out at www.treoalarm.com

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