Thursday, January 12, 2006

Riding again. Amazing!

Anytime the temperature gets above 55 in January in Indiana, it's riding weather.
So here I am, putting some unexpected miles on the K1200GT.
At the moment, I'm taking a break at the Greencastle exit on I-70, having ridden down to see the World War II German V-1 buzz bomb on the Putnam County Courthouse square. Unfortunately for me, its V-shaped concrete pedestal is empty because the thing is being restored after 50-some years of Hoosier weather and acid rain. I guess it's a testimony to German craftsmanship that the thing has survived as long as it has. After all, the designers never envisioned 50 years of weather exposure. They figured it would be fired and blown to bits somewhere in England within a few weeks of its manufacture.
Anyhow, it's a very incongruous sight, since most military courthouse lawn decorations are artillery pieces, tanks or gutted aircraft.
The ride down here kinda sucked because I got stuck behind a long slug of slow-moving traffic on a twisty two-lane highway with few passing opportunities and lots of oncoming traffic.
So I just backed off, put it on cruise control and got into XM radio's 5002 greatest hits of rock on the Deep Tracks channel.
I spent a few hours yesterday briefing some touring novice friends on road choices in Arizona, Utah and Colorado and couldn't possibly pass up a chance to ride in today's fine weather.

Sent from my Treo

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