Saturday, January 28, 2006

Read this

I discovered Colby Buzzell's milblog from Iraq several months ago - - titled My War: Fear and Loathing in Iraq.
He wrote the most compelling first-person accounts of combat I've read from that conflict and had a huge following. He was even read on a regular basis at the White House and the Pentagon.
Unfortunately, he made people in his chain of command nervous and they put so much pressure on him that he decided to pack it in.
But the good news is that his blog entries ended up forming the core of his book titled My War: Killing Time in Iraq (clever double-entendre, eh?).
I put it on my wish list and my stepdaughter was kind enough to buy it for me for Christmas.
I took my time, savoring it, and finally finished reading it this week.
It's not great literature, but it's as honest an account of a U.S. soldier's experience in Iraq as you're likely to see and it makes me proud of this most professional army we've ever fielded.
If Buzzell, for all of his faults and frailties, is typical of America's armed forces, our enemies have little to hope for and much to fear.

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