Monday, January 02, 2006

Out for a ride

The temperature is crowding 60 and it's partly sunny, so I've gone for a motorcycle ride.
I checked the Weather Channel radar before I left home and determined there was a storm front about 50 miles west of the Indiana-Illinois state line, so I took Maria's advice and rode west on I-74 to meet it and race it home.
I got as far as the Covington exit - about 8 miles from the state line and çoncluded the rain was one, maybe two exits away.
So I turned around and headed back east, stopping at the first Crawfordsville exit for a McDonald's lunch and to blog.
Being able to go for a 100+ mile ride today is like a gift. I didn't expect to fire the engine again until late February.
I needed a ride to clear my head - Morgan had Ruthie and Pete playing tug-of-war with Ruthie's rubber mallard last night when Ruthie suddenly went on the attack and Pete ended up with a bloody gum and a front tooth nearly ripped out - it was standing straight out and when Maria tried to push it back into place, she concluded the underlying soft bone may have been broken.
I'd read Maria (and I thought Morgan) a passage from a dog training book my son Steve gave me for Christmas that advised against forcing a new dog and an established dog to play together. Rather, you're supposed to let them define their relationship themselves. I had misgivings when they playing started last night, but didn't want to seem a jerk by stopping it. Obviously, I should have interceded.
Fortunately, Pete seemed to be mending nicely this morning and the tooth looked like it was moving back into its original position, so we cancelled the appointment we'd made with the vet.
Nevertheless, I found the attack very disturbing and felt terrible that I'd allowed the puppy to be hurt. I'll not make that mistake again.
Sent from my Treo

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