Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Very politically incorrect generalizations

Did you ever notice that whenever black people feel uncomfortable, they play the race card?
Did you notice that most of the New Orleans rescue footage was white people rescuing black people?
Last week, we saw government moving slower than we would have liked. What's new about that? That's how government works.

1 comment:

  1. It's becoming increasingly obvious that most of the problem was on the state and local side of the equation, although the federal response could have been better.
    Several bloggers from Louisiana have given ample testimony to the corruption and inefficiency of their state and local governments. NBC Nightly News had a disturbing piece last night about how the New Orleans Levee Board has spent millions on non-levee-related projects while neglecting the levees.
    They interviewed one former Levee Board president who was kicked off the board because he tried to clamp down on frivolous spending.
