Monday, August 22, 2005

Steak n' Snake

Got this tale of woe from some friends over the weekend. It's always good to pay attention when credit cards are involved:
We had a bad experience Friday. Yesterday 5/3rd bank called and said there
was excessive use on our bank account. We found out that a girl working the
drive-up window at the Steak N' Shake at 5400 N. Keystone had switched
Nancy's debit card for a blank gift card. When she handed Nancy the
receipt, it was wrapped tightly around what she thought was her debit card.
She then started handing Nancy the food so she would just put her card back
in her purse without looking at it.
The next day the girl went apeshit with it and so far has racked up about a thousand dollars in charges. The bank is going to replace the money. We wouldn't have known how it got away from Nancy except that she still had the card wrapped in the receipt. When she went to verify that she still had her card, she discovered the substitute.
We have to file a police report today since the amount makes it a felony.
Needless to say, Nancy is highly upset. Verify that you have your debit
card when you get it back, wherever you use it. Valerie said the rule is at
Steak N' Shake that they hand you your card and your receipt separately.

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