Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Report from 10,500 feet

I'm starting to feel like I'm on vacation.
I left Saturday morning with four BMW club friends. Rather than take I-70 west to Colorado, we opted to pick up U.S. 36 at Hannibal, Mo. and follow it to eastern Colorado. We made about 700 miles before calling it quits shortly after sundown in Smith Center, Kans. It rained overnight but was clear when we rolled out about 7 a.m. Sunday. We rode 40 miles before we found anyone to pass, so empty was the road on a Sunday morning.
We picked up the hated I-70 at Byers, Colo. and made quick work of the last 100 miles or so to our friends Tim and Linda's place at Alma.
Yesterday was consumed with trying to adjust to the altitude and running a few errands capped by a viewing of Kevin Costner's Open Range on DVD.
Today, we set out around 8:30 a.m. and rode Cottonwood and Independence passes, coming home by way of Leadville, I-70, Frisco and Breckenridge.
Our riding group consisted of 13 people on a dozen bikes and I was quickly reminded that I have lost my taste for riding in large groups. The blast up Cottonwood Pass was done at speeds in excess of 70 mph, despite the fact that the posted speed limit was 30 mph and the road is lined with horseback riding facilities and campgrounds, plus the occasional bicyclist. Everyone else seemed to enjoy the romp, but it scared the hell out of me and I opted to ride at the back of the pack the rest of the day. I didn't feel completely comfortable until I was riding solo back from Leadville.
Now that I'm back at the chalet and the bike is unloaded, I'm prepared to kick back with a tumbler of Cutty Sark and ice and watch the mounting chaos in New Orleans.
God help those poor fools who didn't evacuate.

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