Wednesday, August 03, 2005

45 years of thrashing the keys

On this date in 1960 - yes, 45 years ago today - I had my last typing (it's called keyboarding now) class in summer school. It was the summer between my freshman and sophomore years of high school.
For a guy who ended up making a living pounding a typewriter, and later a computer keyboard, it was an inauspicious beginning.
I arrived late for the first day of class and was assigned a typewriter that didn't have its keys blacked out. That meant I could sneak a peek at the keys and consequently didn't develop the sure-fingered confidence that some of my classmates acquired.
My teacher was a slow-witted guy who also taught history and driver education and was the varsity basketball coach. He's dead now, as are most of my teachers. I can't help it. The just died. It's really not my fault.
Anyhow, I guess I have the late Oscar Mannies Jr. to thank or blame for setting me on the path of a keyboarding writer.
I did get faster, though. Working at a newspaper will do that to you. On a good day, I'm damned fast.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, yes, typing class. The only class I ever failed. I've been typing constantly since then, and I still used the look and peck method that got me my failing grade. I'm curious if kids today are forced to type as 'correctly' as years ago, considering that we now have spell checkers, etc.
