Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Overrated stuff

Old Navy anything. It's become the uniform of the Ordinary American - people with follow-the-crowd sheep mentalities. The styles are ho-hum, the workmanship is purely Third World and the colors are consistently unattractive (to me, anyway).

Rolex watches. Was it the James Bond connection that made them so desirable among the unimaginative? Maybe they're ok for women, but the men's styles are foofy. Give me a Breitling any day. Now there's a man's watch.

Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream. Great, if you want a heart attack, but certainly not worth the damage it does to your cardiovascular system.

Godiva chocolate. Gimme Lindt (& Sprüngli) from Switzerland. The previous item notwithstanding, I could eat Lindt chocolate until I explode or lose consciousness.

9mm handguns. Give me the knockdown power of a .45 any day.

O'Charley's. What a stupid name for one more chain of fake Irish bars.

Nike sports shoes. They're just shoes. You're paying extra for the logo.

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