Saturday, October 16, 2004


It's cold and rainy and I haven't seen the sun in a couple of days and besides that:
1. The contractor who promised to keep the front porch from rotting off of my house has disappeared and winter is coming on. That leaves me with mixed feelings - he agreed to do the job for $4,000. If we let it slide, I don't have to cough up 4 grand, but that means it will probably cost more next year after another winter's ravages.
2. The former tenant who skipped and stuck me with three months' rent - the one I sued and won garnishment of her pay to recoup part of my $3,000 loss - has apparently quit her job and become a fugitive rather than make good on her debt.
3. Town officials who voted June 21 to cut the three dying maple trees that are menacing my house have done nothing and now I have another yard full of leaves from said town-owned trees.
4. My insurance company has done nothing to recover my $500 deductible from the insurer of the cretin who rear-ended me in California in July and the bike repair bill is due next week.
5. My wife's ex is late again on his child-support payment.
6. All of my present tenant's November rent will go to make a property tax payment on the rental property that has become a huge albatross around my neck.
7. My Honda del Sol needs new CV boots ($350) by winter.
8. We've had a negative cash flow ever since we got married three years ago.
And on, and on and on.
You know what would cheer me up?
Money in the mail usually works.
If you want to see me smile, go to and send a buck or two to me at
And, if you will permit me to do so, I'll name my benefactors and express my personal gratitude in this blog.
Or not. I'll still like you either way.

1 comment:

  1. Its October, thats the mood every October, country wide. October and June, the shortest cash flow months, the most depressing transitional months of the year. I understand the feeling!
    Cure advice for today; Dream. Skip through this month with dreams of the good cash flow times. Go to the store where they sell magazines in your area, pick up the November copy of Mens Journal and turn to page 63 and read the article "The WORLD on Two Wheels." The book comes out next month. Enjoy. Slip into a dream like trance of your next adventure (during better cash flow times) and you will have a better mood, better moods always lead to better cash flow opporturnities.
    In the meantime. HANG in there!
