Thursday, September 23, 2004

Checking in, checking out

We're off to Portland tomorrow morning and, naturally, Ivan has regrouped and will likely be waiting in Dallas where we have a one-hour layover. Yeah, I know Dallas doesn't look like it's on a logical route from here to Portland. Go ask American Airlines.
My stepson bought a car last night. Well, actually I wrote the check because he hasn't figured out how to get to the bank, since it's closed when he gets out of school every day. He's keen to start driving himself to school immediately and I don't want that worry in the back of my mind while I'm on the other side of the continent. He hasn't driven a car for nearly a year because he wasn't insured and I have concerns about how sharp his skills are. I figure I have enough to be concerned about with him staying by himself while we're out of town until Tuesday evening.
His sister seems to be stable, for the time being. We took her to a stress clinic last Friday night for evaluation and they concluded she should be seen on an outpatient basis. She seemed relieved that she wasn't going to spend the weekend at the facility and so were we. I think the prospect of being institutionalized, even for a weekend, was enough to make her get a grip.
Twelve years ago I was wallowing in despair over my impending divorce when my two best friends let it slip that they were conspiring to have me admitted to a stress center. It took me about 10 seconds to decide it was time to suck it up and move on.

1 comment:

  1. Have a good trip and here's hoping your ex is on her best behavior at the wedding!
