Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Updates from previous subjects (like you care)

My former tenant - the one who spazzed out on me when I offered to buy her a washer and dryer, rather than repair or replace the antique laundry equipment I'd left in the basement of my rental house - apparently thinks she can ignore a judge's order that she pay me about $2,100 in lost rent.
More than 30 days have passed since I won my case in small claims court and I've received no payment or communication from her. So I took the next step last week and filed to have the court garnish her pay. The court will contact her employer to determine how much she makes and how often she's paid. Then the court will set a hearing date to give her one last chance to pay up before collecting my debt for me.
Since I plan to be motorcycling in the Pacific Northwest and California much of July, I expect the hearing date will occur during my absence.
Not a problem. My wife, who is a whole lot angrier about this than I am, is eager to represent us at the hearing.

In another resolution to a bad situation, the former newspaper coworker I mentioned last month - the one who was seething over a bad employee performance review - quit her job last week. Happily, she found a job with more pay and advancement potential and is out from under the thumb of the Evil Empire.
Coincidentally, another friend - a woman who had been a correspondent of mine when I was running the suburban bureau for the paper - last week quit her job as editor of the chain's suburban weeklies.
You could put out a pretty spectacular newspaper with all of the talent that has walked away from that place in the last three years. Certainly, it would be better than the current product.

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