Saturday, May 15, 2004


I spent today in a defensive pistol course put on by the local sheriff's department. Four hours of classroom in the morning and four hours on the range this afternoon.
I discovered that I'm not nearly as handy with my Colt .24 Combat Commander as I imagined I was. I'm having major problems with the surprise break trigger technique, which causes my shots to go low.
Granted, almost every shot I sent downrange at the body silhouette target would have inflicted serious injury, but my shots weren't landing nearly as precisely as I want. I saw some small improvement over the course of the afternoon, but I have far to go.
So I came home somewhat bummmed out and wrung out to discover that my rental house needs a new toilet, which will probably run me $300 or so - parts and labor.
And we're still waiting for child support payments from my wife's ex that were due Friday and the Friday before and the Friday before that.
I'm going to be soooo ready to put all this crap in my rearview mirrors when we head for Colorado next week.

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