Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Remembering L.T. Browm

Larry "L.T.” Brown was a copy editor at The Indianapolis News who created and wrote The Bar Beat column in the late 1970s.

L.T. was a world class eccentric and, like most good copy editors, was a storehouse of obscure and arcane knowledge and talents.

Always friendly and helpful, he made every reporter look a little better through his careful editing.

His hobby was raising exotic chickens and he was a regular competitor in Indiana State Fair poultry shows.

Back when Roselyn Bakeries was having problems meeting health department standards, he kept a rubber rat in a Roselyn bag on his desk.

Since Brown is a common name, he distinguished himself in the Indianapolis telephone directory by having his home phone listed as "Xanavana Brown."

I seem to recall that he was a Vietnam veteran. He died of a heart attack at a convenience store on a Memorial Day holiday weekend in the late 1990s.

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