Thursday, August 01, 2019

One more reminder of the renters gone. Good riddance!

When we moved back into our Thorntown house in August, 2017, I was annoyed to see that the renters had left this satellite TV dish attached to the south side of the house.

It was particularly annoying because we tried a year of satellite TV back in the early 2000s and dropped it when the introductory rate expired, mainly because the signal always crapped out in heavy weather. I used my dad's old wooden extension ladder to unbolt that dish from the house and put the dish out for the trash guys.

I would have done the same when we found the new dish attached, but my dad's ladder - which we left in the utility shed - was nowhere to be found. Thanks again, renters.

But thanks to my son Steve's generosity, I now find myself with a cool collapsible aluminum ladder that is plenty tall enough to reach the dish mounting. So I undid the three 13 mm bolts yesterday afternoon and, voila, the dish tumbled to the ground. Here it is, ready to be hauled away tomorrow morning when the trash guys come.

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