Thursday, August 29, 2019

Never again. Maybe.

Maria and I spent last Saturday photographing the wedding of one of her brother's older daughters up in north central Indiana.

We started about 9 a.m. and shot about 1,800 images by the time we quit at 4 p.m. We were in action almost constantly except for about a 15-minute lunch break. We did it for free as a wedding gift to the couple. Maria is also finishing up a quilt for them.

The church and reception hall were very dark. We refuse to use flash during the ceremony, so it was a bit of a challenge getting sharp, properly exposed images. I ended up having to correct the color balance in most of the ceremony photos.

We've both out of practice and a bit out of shape, so we were pretty worn out by the time we finished the reception. (See photo)

And we both agree that this is the last wedding we're going to shoot. I thought I was done after we shot the wedding of a neighbor's son in Arkansas about 5 years ago, but I was wrong.

I have a sneaking feeling Maria will commit us to photographing the wedding of the girl's twin sister.

My memory card reader malfunctioned a day after I successfully downloaded my Compact Flash card's 850 wedding images. I lost some photos I shot for a newspaper story, but was able to re-shoot a couple of days later. It would have been a major disaster to lose those wedding photos.

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