Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Wow! That was fast!

A little more than a week after I completed the final step in my Indiana Concealed Carry Permit application process, my CCW card is in my wallet.

My Arkansas CCW permit hadn't expired yet, but since I am no longer an Arkansas resident, there is some question about whether it would stand up to police scrutiny here, even though Indiana has reciprocity with Arkansas.

A new Indiana law providing for the issuance of lifetime CCW permits went into effect July 1, so I began the online application part of the process that day and got fingerprinted at the sheriff's office the next day. The final step was an interview with my local town marshal, which occurred July 8 and - wonder of wonders - my permit was approved four days later and it arrived in this morning's mail.

Other people who applied earlier this year for the 4-year license had to wait weeks.

Now I can go back to wearing my NRA vest with the holster pockets.

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