Thursday, June 16, 2016

Hostage situation

One of the books I have listed for sale on sold yesterday, but the heat index was well over 100 degrees and I didn't fancy a painfully hot motorcycle ride or un-air conditioned drive in the Subaru to mail it. (The Subaru has a costly AC malfunction that we haven't gotten around to fixing, so I insist that Maria take the AC-equipped Lexus to work on hot days.)
It was already a toasty 88 degrees at 9 a.m. when I rode to the post office today and dispatched the book. Taking off my helmet at the post office, I noticed the starboard side of the chin vent had broken loose. I superglued it back into place when I got home and expect that will be the end of that problem.
The last time I checked, the temperature stood at 97 degrees with a heat index of 109. The dogs are in their kennels in the bedroom and I broke down and turned the air conditioning back on. These are the days when I hate living in northeast Arkansas - when the oppressive heat holds me hostage.

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