Saturday, June 04, 2016

Change of plans

I was all set to fire up the Lexus and roll out early tomorrow for a few days in the Tampa, Fla. area with my old Indianapolis News compadre Skip Hess and his wife Gloria.

Skip is recovering from a minor stroke he suffered in late April while undergoing a routine heart procedure, assuming there is such a thing as a routine heart procedure. I decided it was time for a visit and tomorrow through the 15th was open on the Hess guest calendar.

Maria and I were at Kroger this morning, buying groceries suitable for her being on her own for a few days when I got a text message from Skip advising that we reschedule because of Tropical Depression Colin in the Gulf of Mexico. The ugly weather system is menacing the west coast of Florida with a potential for torrential rain, flooding, tornadoes and enough unpleasant weather to make for a miserable week.

We agreed that next month is a better time for the trip and I congratulated him on the timing of his call which let us revise our grocery list to include me.

On the Good News side of the ledger, our Thorntown tenant paid his rent via Western Union and I got an email from Victorinox saying my favorite Swiss Army knife has been repaired and is in the FedEx pipeline to me, scheduled to arrive on Tuesday. The knife, a birthday gift from my son Sean about seven years ago, has a built-in digital thermometer and altimeter that quit working a few months ago.

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