Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Two steps forward, one step back


We sweated and strained most of yesterday clearing away the log barricades and filling in Dora’s escape tunnels, preliminary to installing an electric fence wire.

Friend Charlie gave me the remains of a fence kit he had used, which involved setting plastic stakes to hold the wire. There were only 10 stakes left, so I bought enough half-inch PVC pipe at Lowe’s on Sunday to make 50 2-foot-long stakes, into which I drilled holes to hold cotter keys as a channel for the wire.

We set them out yesterday and strung wire through about five of them before we realized they were too flimsy.

So it was off to ACE Hardware where we found yellow plastic insulator clips that fasten onto the chain link fabric. We installed them all around the yard, strung the wire, hooked up the charger and ground stake and waited for a yelp.

No yelps.

But we didn’t see either dog approach the fence the rest of the day and evening.

I’m waiting for Charlie to pick me and the K75S up to go to Cape Girardeau for some service, so I got out the circuit tester to check the fence.

No current on the wire. Checking the charger, I find it isn’t working.


No time to drive to ACE and get a new charger (the one I have was bought from Amazon in January and can’t be returned more than a month after purchase) and still make our appointment at the BMW dealer in Cape.

So Dora will have to spend the day in her kennel and I’ll get on the fence problem as soon as we get home.

It’s always something.

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