Monday, April 07, 2014

Here are your wedding photos, Lieutenant. Sorry they’re 69 years late.

My late father-in-law, Capt. Phil Kroon, ended the war in Austria and was billeted at the Hotel Bilroth in St. Gilgen.

He shot a lot of photos during the war, but the only surviving negatives were after V-E Day. They include these photos of a newlywed lieutenant and nurse, possibly at the Bilroth.

I can't tell what unit the lieutenant is with but his boots are bloused, which could mean he was airborne - perhaps 101st Airborne, since they ended the war in the same area.







I have no idea whether Capt. Kroon ever had prints made from these 35mm negatives, so this very well could be the first time these nearly 69-year-old images have been seen.

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