Monday, April 28, 2014

Big shoes to fill


Our Internet went down sometime around 9 a.m. today and didn’t come back up until about 5:30 p.m., so several good blog ideas came and fled before I could nail them down.

I spent much of my day – after getting a crown replaced by my dentist at 9 a.m. – searching through my archives for old photos of Indianapolis or Delphi to post on a couple of Facebook groups that deal with nostalgia.

I’ve exhausted all of the obvious archival places – labeled envelopes full of old black & white and color negatives – and now I’m diving deeper into family and work photos. I was never without my Pentax Spotmatic in the late 1960s, so it was not unusual for me to end up with a spur-of-the-moment downtown scene from a lunch break in the middle of a roll of film that also contained family pictures or shots to illustrate a news story I was working on.

Mining those gems leads to happy little “Aha!” moments when I find something like this fisheye view of Lincoln’s left shoe on a statue at the south end of University Park in downtown Indianapolis. There’s nothing about it that dates it, even though I know it was from the spring of 1969, so I won’t post it in the Indianapolis nostalgia group.

But I really like it, so I’m using it here.

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