Monday, March 03, 2014

Welcome to Ice Station Dora


We’re snow/ice-bound in our home in the woods for the next day or three, but the power stayed on and no trees came down last night.

The freezing rain was short-lived yesterday before changing to sleet, but then it sleeted like a mofo for hour upon hour, building up about a 6-8-inch layer of sleety ice before changing to snow.

The crust, covered with about a quarter-inch of snow, is like concrete, which is why the dogs look like they’re standing on a white floor.

There’s a foot-high mound of frozen sleet piled up outside the garage door. The sun is shining on it right now, but the temperature is 13ºF, so we can expect only some negligible sublimation today. The forecasters say the temperature will remain below freezing until sometime Wednesday and Thursday, with a predicted high of 44º, looks like the first day of serious melting.

Consequently, schools will almost certainly be closed through Wednesday and maybe beyond. I have no expectation of being able to drive anywhere until late Wednesday.

That said, we’re comfortable and well-provisioned and very relieved we didn’t have to use our generator and kerosene heater.

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