Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Tuesday morning

Busy morning – deposit check, get $13 haircut at Great Clips and cash in an empty Starbucks coffee bag for a free cup of dark roast.
And the barista just brought me a sample of their chocolate croissant. And some guy just offered me his newspaper (the mediocre Democrat Gazette). I graciously declined. Life is pretty good here in the last couple days of winter.
A couple of my Indianapolis BMW Club riding buddies checked in with me over the weekend to see if I would be interested in filling in the blank states on my map at the bottom of this page sometime this year. Our finances are unsettled, but I told them I was about 80% interested.
There’s no accident that New England is the last place I’ve wanted to ride whenever I have the time and resources. My only foray up that way was the 2006 BMW MOA in Burlington, Vt. That said, I enjoyed riding through the Adirondacks in upstate New York and the ferry ride across Lake Champlain was fun. I had ambitions to pick up several new states during the rally, but the weather turned ugly and I spent the whole time in and around Burlington.
So maybe this is the year for New England.
But I really would love to visit Sean and see his new digs on Sauvie Island and swing down to Vegas for some time with Steve and his family.
We shall see.
I can't believe how jowly I look in this photo.

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