Wednesday, March 05, 2014

A year ago tomorrow evening


This is me, a year ago tomorrow night, putting the cover on my bike outside a motel in Prattville, Ala.

If I look totally fried, it’s because I was after a day of riding in temperatures in the 30s and low 40s without the benefit of my Gerbings electric jacket liner and gloves.

Yes, I rode to Daytona Beach Bike Week and home again last year in miserable cold, kept alive only by the judicious use of windstopper technology.

The problem? My bike’s accessory power circuit couldn’t handle electric clothing and GPS, so GPS won out.

Since then, I’ve had a Gerbings power plug installed that is wired directly to the battery, so there will be no such issues.

Unfortunately, I’ll miss Bike Week this year because it looks like none of my Indianapolis BMW Club friends will make it and I hate camping and touring Bike Week by myself.

Besides, it will probably be Sunday or Monday before the ice melts enough to ride out of our subdivision.

So it goes.

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