Thursday, September 26, 2013

Viva Las Vegas


Like father, like son. Here I am with Steve, flashing cheesy grins for a photo to send to Maria while driving from the airport to his Las Vegas home.

I spent about six and a half hours in travel time yesterday, including about an hour layover in Salt Lake City, flying here from Memphis, much of it listening to a screaming infant two rows back, but it was all worth it when I was greeted at McCarran Airport by Steve, Nicky and Lisa.

Steve invited me to come along on a gig he had last night in Henderson, Nev., but I begged off because it would keep me up until way past 4 a.m. Arkansas time. I’m tagging along on a studio recording gig this evening and shooting photos.

Until then, I’m hanging out and dealing with my jet lag and the two-hour time difference.

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