Thursday, September 12, 2013

Thursday report


Here I am hanging out in the lounge area at Black River Technical College in Paragould while Maria is in class as part of an entrepreneur course of study.

The air conditioning has crapped out on the Subaru in the midst of this miserable heat wave, so I’ve been chauffeuring Maria in the Lexus. I’ll probably take the Subaru in for service next week and get the AC fixed.

I like the weather her just fine most of the year, but the summers can be brutal with sustained periods of heat indexes of 100+ degrees. We’re supposed to get a cold front through here tonight that will cool things off for a few days.

We hit the St. Bernards fitness facilities again this morning and this time I brought my iPod with my special treadmill playlist which made the half-hour pass remarkably quickly. The right music can be a great energizer, prompting me to exert more, yet suffer less. I won’t go near the treadmill without it from now on.

Even though I burned and mailed the class reunion CDs earlier this week, I revisited some of Maria’s photos from that evening – specifically from when we gathered at the Carroll County Courthouse square for our group photo – and made some HDR images.



That’s me in the turquoise shirt on the far right.

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