Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Yeah, it snowed


The Blizzard of ‘12 is gone and I measured 5” of snow in our driveway just now. There are drifts of 10”-12” in places.

It was snowing hard – hard enough to create the rare phenomenon of thunder snow – by the time we crept home in the all-wheel drive Subaru Forester around 9:30 p.m. We only met about a dozen vehicles on our drive and saw no one going north in front of us or behind us.

This may have been a spectacular weather event by Arkansas standards. As a veteran of 62 Indiana winters, I look at it as just another snowstorm.

The big difference, of course, is that snowfall of an inch or more is so uncommon that it would be foolish for state, county and city officials to invest in snowplows. I’m told that this county has two.

So the strategy is for everyone to just stay put for a day or two until it melts.


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