Monday, July 30, 2012

Nothing like a brisk, sweaty hike first thing in the morning


I took the Lexus to Gateway Tire this morning to have the brake rotors turned. My son Steve and granddaughter Lisa are coming to visit this week and I want to have the car in good shape for two runs to the Memphis airport and lots of to-ing and fro-ing in between. The pulsing of the brakes has been an annoyance for several weeks.

I had the car in for an oil change and lube and brake diagnosis last Thursday and determined my best option for the rotor work was to show up at Gateway when they open at 7:30 a.m. today. I was there at 7:25 but there were already three guys ahead of me and I was chagrined to learn my car won’t be done until around noon.

I had anticipated a much shorter wait and figured I’d just stroll across Caraway Road for an IHOP breakfast and come back and collect my car.

The prospect of a longer wait inspired me to strike out for Panera, about a half-mile distant as the crow flies. I picked the wrong route and ended up hiking twice that distance. (My route was dictated by a deep, weedy swale behind the businesses and shopping malls that front on Caraway, blocking my path to Panera.) Even though it was only 77 degrees, the humidity was about 80 percent, making for a sweaty march, punctuated by a clap of thunder from an ominous cloud. Fortunately, the only rain I saw was way over on the eastside of town (see photo).

I’m seriously considering asking Maria to meet me here for lunch so I can catch a ride back to Gateway, since the Weather Channel says it will be 98 degrees with a heat index of 106 by noon.

In the meantime, I’ll stay cool and amuse myself with Panera Wifi.

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