Friday, July 06, 2012

Friday stuff

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWe took Jack to the vet this morning for his Bordatella booster shot and to have his rash looked at.

Dr. Heather Curry said Jack has a nasty staph infection on his skin around his privates. She and an assistant shampooed the area and the gave us an antibiotic and a topical spray to administer multiple times a day. We have an appointment for Monday morning to bring him in for a summer trim and to shave the affected area for easier application of the spray.

This afternoon, we took Austin and Megan to Memphis for lunch at Boscos where I visited my Boscos Mug Club mug and Austin was introduced to Boscos own Midtown Brown ale.


Then we drove to the Brooks Museum of Art where we ogled paintings and sculpture and objets d’art. Some impressed me, most didn’t.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAI liked the detail on this plaster sculpture enough to go rogue and ignore the “no photography” rule.

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