Thursday, July 26, 2012



Here’s Jack, exiting the dog door with his Friendly Fox. I really like the play of light in this HDR image. It reminds me of some of the surreal paintings of Salvador Dali.

This was before Jack’s extreme haircut and before he ripped the dog door flap from its moorings for the fourth time one day last week.

It happened as I was preparing to leave for the BMW MOA rally and I haven’t gotten around to re-mounting it. As a consequence, the screened porch is filling up with mosquitos and some are finding their way into the house. I killed two in the bathroom this morning.

Ruthie and Pete never bothered the flap. They just blew through it. Jack, being a puppy, gnawed at it. When he got big enough and strong enough, he discovered he could yank it out of the mounting track.

It’s about a 10-minute job to undo some screws and reattach the flap and I probably ought to do that before it gets crazy hot again this morning. In the meantime, I went online to and ordered a new flap.

I have no illusions about Jack respecting my expenditure of $49.50.

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