Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wednesday morning stuff

Who knew carpet cleaning could be so gratifying?

Maria and I shifted the dining room table and chairs into the foyer and I shampooed the carpet, eradicating four years of neglect and pet stains.

The living room carpet looks splendid in the wake of yesterday morning’s cleaning and now I’m eyeing the master bedroom carpet.

A quick check with my Indianapolis BMW Club friends indicates nobody is planning to ride to the Return to Shiloh rally south of Savannah, Tenn. this weekend. The weather promises to be dead-solid perfect – highs in the mid- to low 70s and lows in the mid- to low 40s with zero percent chance of rain. It seems a shame to pass up rallying in weather like that, but I prefer the company of friends, so I think I’ll skip this one and plan for another rally where I can hang out with my Indy friends.

Besides, I’ve pretty well tapped out all of the National Parks Passport stamp opportunities in the Shiloh area – my only other motive for going.

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