Wednesday, August 03, 2011

Wednesday morning stuff

I’m at Seattle Grind on what may be the hottest day of the year – so far, at least.

I rode the K1200GT, which is noticeably hotter than the K75S owing to its fairly efficient fairing. It was a little toasty coming in to town, but I see the temperature is now 90 with a heat index of 99, so maybe I should think about packing up and hauling ass for the air conditioned comfort of home.

I’ve been chafing for a couple of years about paying upwards of $75 a month for an AT&T land line to our house when we have other options, including excellent cell phone coverage. I called our cable provider yesterday and discovered we can add telephone service to our cable –internet package for $29.95 a month. It’s even more attractive when you consider we can keep our present phone number, have all of the caller ID, call-waiting, etc., and 911 emergency service.

I will, of course, drive up to the cable office in Paragould later this week and initiate the change.

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