Tuesday, August 02, 2011

Tuesday morning stuff

seattlegrindaug2 This crazy-hot weather is getting me down.

I’m at Seattle Grind this morning because I had an urgent need to go for a motorcycle ride and the only way to do it is to get out and back before the temperature soars into the danger zone. It was 81 when I left home at 8:20 a.m. The Weather Channel web site says it’s 87 with a heat index of 94 right now. The forecast high today is 101 with a heat index of 110. Tomorrow’s forecast: 104 with a heat index of 115. Fuck!

My Facebook news feed informs me that a couple of old friends went to the Paul McCartney concert at Wrigley Field last night. They loved it. I never thought he was particularly impressive in his post-Beatles career and given his moronic political pronouncements, I wouldn’t walk across the street to see him for free.

Today is Aug. 2, so of course we have not received the August rent check from our tenant. He was about 20 days late last month. This is why I hate being a landlord. I’d sell the place at a loss except that it’s worth more to me for the mortgage interest deduction. If Congress eliminates that deduction, it will be a whole new ballgame. I can’t imagine they would because that would remove a huge incentive for home ownership and drive a stake through the heart of the housing market.

This may be the month that I pull the plug on my AT&T land line. When I get home this morning, I plan to call our cable provider and see what kind of package deal they can give me for cable, internet and phone. It’s gotta be better than the $75/month I’m giving AT&T now for just phone service. If not, there’s still Vonage and Magic Jack and our Sprint cell phones…

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