Tuesday, August 16, 2011



We came very close to adding this 10-week-old Great Pyrenees puppy to our pack over the weekend.

I found him on Craigslist and Maria called to ask about the “re-homing fee” (the way people disguise a selling price for animals on Craigslist). It was a very reasonable $75, which was probably negotiable.

Great Pyrenees dogs grow to be huge – as in St. Bernard huge. They’re great with kids and typically are used to guard sheep from coyotes and other would-be predators.

I think this little guy is excruciatingly cute, but worry that our fenced back yard would be too confining and the dog door on our screened back porch is too small to accommodate a full grown Great Pyrenees. And then there’s the issue of maintenance. As he grows, he’s going to eat way more food than Pete and Ruthie consume.

Bottom line: he’s not a good fit for us. I hope he ends up with the right people.

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