Tuesday, June 22, 2010

It’s the heat

It’s been hotter than hell here for weeks. We’re under a heat advisory until 8 p.m. Thursday, but I’m sure it won’t end then.

I’m reminded of a Dave Berry column in which he said it was so hot that birds were bursting into flames in midair and nuns were cursing openly on the street. That’s how hot it is here in northeast Arkansas. We’re averaging 10 degrees warmer than usual and summer just started yesterday.

The heat has pretty much sucked all of my energy, ambition and creativity away, which leaves little left for blogging.dom skype2

I had a Skype conversation with Indy BMW Club friend Dom last night.

He and I will rendezvous in Omaha next month to ride to the BMW MOA  rally in Redmond, Ore. We had planned to ride together after the rally to Portland where he would hang out for a few days while I visit my son Sean. Then we planned to ride down the California coast through Big Sur and then head for home, via my son Steve’s place in Las Vegas.

We were working with some rather tight time constraints because Dom has relatives flying in from Sicily. First they were coming in on the 29th, then it was the 28th and now it’s the 27th. That deadline abbreviates my time with my sons so much as to make the visits pointless, so Dom begged off and said he’ll figure out his own route home.

I like traveling with him, but I’m glad he saw it the same way I do. Now I can have more flexibility in my travel plans and not feel pressured to keep a rigid schedule.

1 comment:

  1. And if you feel like adding an extra 5 hours of riding to your trip, you could stop by Sierra Vista. I would give you a bed and lots of coffee, the bold kind without hazelnut flavoring :)
