Saturday, May 01, 2010

Weather report

maria storm

The Brookland tornado sirens went off sometime after 11:15 last night as a big ass storm front rumbled in.

radar Maria, who had earlier fallen asleep on the couch while we watched Avatar in BluRay, gathered up comforter and pillow and bedded down in what passes for our “safe room” – a half-bathroom in more or less the center of the house.

I, on the other hand, stood watch by the bedroom TV as the local weather guys played with their radars and tracked the storm.

It was all over by midnight, although we got another milder thunderstorm around 2 a.m.

Ahhh, spring in Arkansas.

1 comment:

  1. Arrrrrgh, Maria you don't want to be under that sink when a tornado comes calling. The old advice on tornadoes is to get under a doorway, but this is not a good idea either because if the structure fails the doorway will cleave you like that old French executioners guillotine. Recent observation suggests that many folks who have survived tornadoes in their homes have been lying alongside their sofas. Falling ceilings, joists, etc. are caught by the sofa leaving you in a safe zone.
