Monday, May 17, 2010

Thanks a lot, kid. Now get out of here.


I got an automated phone call this afternoon from Bill Clinton, whose people apparently think I’m going to vote in the Democratic primary tomorrow. I’m not, but I’ll get to that later.

A few days ago, I would have expected Clinton to try to talk me into voting for Arkansas Lt. Gov. Bill Halter, who is running against incumbent Sen. Blanche Lincoln. After all, Halter, seen in the photo above, was apparently a “marvelous help” to Clinton when he worked in the Office of Budget Management during the Clinton administration. And Halter has made much of his connection with the Clinton presidency. I got a live call from the Halter campaign a week or so ago which the caller proudly announced was paid for the Service Employees International Union (SEIU – Obama’s thug army) and I supposed that the Halter campaign had the all-out support of the big-name Democrats.

So imagine my surprise when Clinton began his pitch in behalf of Blanche Lincoln.

Our answering machine took a similar call over the weekend from President Obama, also campaigning for Blanche.

If I were voting in the Democrat primary tomorrow, I’d vote for Blanche because I feel sorry for the way some in the party turned on her. She’s done a lot of good stuff for Arkansas. In my mind, her vote for Obamacare disqualifies her from serving another term, but I’ll concede that she has helped her state in some areas.

lord-farquaadI’ve met her and Halter and heard them debate. The experience left me wondering what anyone could see in Halter, other than hope that he might be a useful tool for the Socialists. He reminds me of the kind of arrogant twerp you see running for student government office on a second-rate college campus like Indiana State University. I’ve also heard him likened to Lord Farquaad from the first Shreck movie.

But in the end, it doesn’t really matter who wins the Democrat nomination. The winner will be swamped by the Conservative Tsunami in November.

Which leads me to who will get my votes in the GOP primary tomorrow.

Of the eight Republican senatorial aspirants, Randy Alexander is my pick. He carries a copy of the U.S,. Constitution around with him and we share the same understanding of what it means and how it must be protected and defended. I’ve got his bumper sticker on the back of my Honda del Sol and I’ve put up several of his signs at area intersections.

My choice for the Republican nomination for the Arkansas First Congressional District is Princella Smith. She’s one of several black conservatives who have the potential to transform or destroy the Congressional Black Caucus. (After all, would we tolerate a Congressional White Caucus?) And she has the endorsement of Newt Gingrich. Nuf sed.

And if one of those dipshit poll workers tries to look over my shoulder while I’m casting my ballot on the electronic voting machine tomorrow, there’s gonna be trouble.

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