Friday, May 14, 2010

Snow at 10,600 feet

balough snow

I just had a Skype conversation with Tim Balough who reports he has about 8 inches of snow on the ground at his home in Alma, Colo., and it’s still coming down.

Tim is a volunteer with the local fire department and reports they responded to a slew of traffic accidents yesterday. He said visibility was down to about 30 feet at one point during the snowstorm.

That seems hopelessly bizarre when I look around here in northeast Arkansas and see nothing but lush green foliage and breathe warm, humid air filled with the heady aroma of honeysuckle in bloom.

The set of Michelin tires for my motorcycle showed up on the front porch late yesterday, but it will be another week before Charlie and I will be able to get together to mount them, along with at least one tire for his bike.

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