Friday, May 07, 2010

Random stuff

I am without focus today.

Maybe it’s because a fat girl with an obnoxious cell phone ringtone is occupying my usual table in the Hardback Cafe.

So I’ll just string together some random thoughts and call it a blogpost.

The Unbearable Lightness of Sneezing

Does a bright light make you sneeze? Me too, but I’ll bet you don’t know why. It’s because some people’s optic and olfactory nerves run so close together than a strong signal on the optic nerve bleeds over to the olfactory nerve and triggers the sneeze reflex.


“Disrespect” is a noun, not a verb. I cringe whenever I hear some moron use it as a verb.

Indianapolis in May

I think I miss Indiana and Indianapolis most in May because that’s the time of the run-up to the Indianapolis 500-Mile Race. I went to the 500 Festival Parade once -  in 1967 – but I used to enjoy going to the track on weekdays with a pit pass on loan from The Indianapolis News Sports Department. It was very cool being able to get right next to the cars and the drivers and to prowl the garage area. I hated it when they started scheduling the race on the last Sunday in May instead of the actual Memorial Day. That put an end to The News’s realtime coverage and our ability to put an edition of the paper with the winner’s picture and race story on the front page into the hands of race fans before they could get out of the Speedway. I do not, however, miss Bob & Tom on the radio. I find their junior high school humor embarrassing and stupid.

Treadmill progress

I must be doing something right because I have to work harder to get my heart rate up in my morning treadmill sessions. And my heart rate recovery time is getting shorter. It was warm and breezy this morning, so I wheeled the treadmill out of the garage and onto the concrete driveway this morning. And then I put it back when I was done because there are showers in the forecast for later today.


I got an email from LifeLock this morning announcing that they have removed our names from the list (that I didn’t know existed) from which unsolicited pre-approved credit card offers are drawn. How cool is that?


My son Sean is in Los Angeles this week and says he saw Buck Henry last night.


I’m waiting for a stringer check so I can order a new set of tires for my bike. My friend Charlie has the equipment to mount and balance tires, so I should be able to put new rubber on the bike for just $222 – a little more than half what I paid two years ago in Colorado Springs. Also, the new gel battery for Maria’s bike is due Monday via UPS.

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